Thursday, March 15, 2012

bringing the magic of st. patrick's day to your kids

photo credit: thoughtfully simple

st. patty's day is saturday and there are many fun and easy things you can do to bring a sparkle of excitement to your kiddos eyes with the awe of leprechaun magic. i would love to share with you a few things that i plan on doing in our home this year.

green food coloring will be your bff for this holiday because you can use it for a multitude of things.....and it's easy! the leprechaun that comes to our home turns everything he can green: the gallon of milk, pancake batter, the toilet water and even the bath water at bedtime. these ideas are simple and only take a few seconds, however the happiness on your child's face will last all day.

photo credit: thoughtfully simple
photo credit: the creative junkie

i am obsessed with the idea of making this leprechaun trap cake that i found on not martha....but i truly am not martha. not even i am just not sure i could pull it off and might need to stick to store bought cake mix and canned frosting turned green. but maybe.....

hoosier homemade has the most adorable cupcakes and even has a video tutorial. love.

the fickle pickle has the *best* idea for a leprechaun trap. i am planning this as an activity with the kids for sure. love. love. love.

so, how about you? how are you going to bring the magic of st. patty's day into your house this year?

Monday, March 12, 2012

mmmmm, mondays: bbq chicken pizza

i've mentioned before, i'm on a pizza kick. here is one of my pizza favorites. for homemade pizza dough, check out our last monday's post for a couple of great recipes.

bar-be-cue chicken pizza

bar-be-cue sauce (your favorite store-bought sauce will work great)

4 cups shredded smoked gouda cheese

1/2 or 1 whole red onion, minced (depending on how much you like onions)

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder (to taste)

cut the chicken breasts into bite sized chunks. heat a saute pan with about 1 tablespoon of canola oil. saute the chicken breast chunks until cooked through and browned. season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. remove from the heat.

spray a pizza pan or a jelly roll pan with non-stick spray. roll out the pizza dough to the edges of the pan. if you like a thin crust pizza, cook your dough for about five minutes before loading with toppings.

top the dough with bar-be-cue sauce, onions, seasoned-cooked chicken breast pieces, and gouda cheese. cook in a preheated oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and starting to golden in color.

slice up and enjoy!

Friday, March 9, 2012

friday fun finds: vintage washboards

i recently was at a home where the owner had decorated the laundry room with vintage washboards. it was dreamy. truly. saying i loved it is a gross understatement. alas, my laundry facilities are currently housed in our for now i am just laundry room dreaming.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

diy-- wall storage baskets

we have on old 1950's home with a major lack of storage. here is the easy solution i came up with to store washcloths and hand towels for quick access. all you need are a couple of storage baskets (these happen to be from pottery barn), a couple screws and a screwdriver or drill. just hold the baskets up to the wall, use a level to straighten and screw them right through the baskets into the wall. easy peasy.

12" square, 8" high
$19 each 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

a birthday without a glue stick--guest post by melissa @ momcomm

my kids have the same birthday, three years apart. 

yep, that's right. they are roughly three years and four hours apart. and no, it wasn't planned.

i've always had a crafty side - scrapbooking, graphic design, heck I even made soap for a time - but with two kids, running my consulting business, keeping up with two blogs and just life in general, my craftiness somehow got stored on the shelf for a while.

but then birthdays roll around. and I get that itch to CREATE something. i want my kids to have a birthday from "pages" of pinterest in all its crafty goodness.

i've done it before. last year, i went all out throwing both of my kids a party in the same day. one for little roo turning one and then more people came and we continued the celebration for big roo turning four. um, that was nuts.

this year? i just didn't have it in me to get all crafty. but yet that mama guilt creeped in like mama guilt does and i worried when their birthday rolled around, they'd be disappointed. 

it's not like i didn't have anything planned. we had balloons and a gift each to greet them in the morning. we made rice krispy treats for their classes at school. we ate at mcdonalds for lunch (which we never do!). we went to chuck e cheese for dinner (another thing we never do!). and we even had a little cake for them at home after dinner. 

a totally exhausting day without one picture-perfect craft in sight. 

little roo was so exhausted he fell asleep right on my chest (that's after the nap in his crib, by the way). snuggling with my baby boy on his special day. and it hit me. 

why should I feel guilty that I didn't break out glue, paper and ribbon to make some snazzy decor or spend all day slaving over a creatively cute meal? after all, they don't care that their meal didn't come from my pinterest food board or that I didn't stay up all night making something for them. i treated them like birthday boys in the simplest way possible: i showed them they were loved. 

and there wasn't a glue stick in sight. 

melissa culbertson is a mom, marketing communications consultant, blogger, author of the diy blog critique and creator of the upcoming content brew, an online blogging course about content planning and idea creation. you can find her on twitter and at hanging out at her blogs momcomm and adventuroo.

Monday, March 5, 2012

mmmmm, mondays: homemade pizza dough

i'm obsessed with homemade pizza lately. i can't seem to get enough of it and the more recipes i try, the more i'm hooked. if you are going to make your own pizza and don't feel like buying the refrigerated pizza dough fantastically made by pillsbury, here are two dough recipes to try. come back for the next couple of weeks for my favorite pizza treats...

if you have a bread maker, here's my favorite bread machine recipe:

bread machine pizza dough

4 cups all purpose flour

3/4 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons active dry yeast

1 3/8 cups water

3 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

add all the ingredients into the bread machine. set to the "dough" setting. once dough is finished, pat the dough into a 12 x 15 inch jelly roll pan. if you like thin crust pizza, this can be divided into two smaller, thinner pizzas. if you want a thin crust pizza, precook your pizza dough for 5 minutes at 400 degrees before adding toppings and baking. if using the dough for one large pizza, top with your favorite toppings and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.

if you don't have a bread machine, this recipe is just as good.

easy homemade pizza dough

1 package active dry yeast

5 oz. warm water

1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon oregano

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups all purpose flour

add yeast to the water. add spices and stir until the yeast is dissolved. add 1 cup of flour. mix. work the rest of the flour into the mixture. spread over a pizza pan or a jelly roll pan. add toppings. let set in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes.


Friday, March 2, 2012

friday fun finds: the worst baby shower games ever

i've just had two amazing showers for my baby cinco. the best part about both of them, they were full of wonderful, delicious food, adult conversation, and not one party game. don't get me wrong, i love some games at showers and do like to stay busy while i'm watching a mother-to-be open presents....but there are some games that should be eliminated forever.

normally our friday fun finds are full of fabulous items you could purchase or make for your own home. today, we're taking the opposite approach. we've found games that could perhaps ruin a shower instead of enhance it. you're welcome to try these out and decide for yourself. heck, you may just want to try all of them at a baby shower and see if you can salvage a shower in spite of them. either way, here's our finds...a list of games not to play at a baby shower.
  • measuring the mommy's belly with toilet paper: this game involves every person at the shower tearing off a piece of toilet paper (or sometimes ribbon) that they think will fit around the mom-to-be's belly. they will inevitably either tear off a piece that is much too small (which will be revealed when the mother's belly is measured accurately) or way too big (making the mother feel like she looks as big as a whale.) any way you slice it, this game does nothing for the mommy-to-be's self esteem. stick to telling the mom that she is skinny. this will make her happy.
  • melting chocolate bars in diapers: i have to admit, i've done this one before and it is pretty funny. still, counting on the gross factor is a bit much for shower entertainment. this game involves numbering about ten diapers and finding then different chocolate bars to melt in one of each of the ten diapers to resemble poop. yes, poop. the guests then get a paper with the numbers 1-10 and they try to guess which chocolate bar has been melted in each one of the diapers. it can be funny to see guests examining the contents of the diapers but it is still kind of disgusting.
  • having guest guess what a mother ate by looking at real poopy diapers: no joke, someone actually did this at a baby shower. a mother took the time to collect her newborn baby's poopy diapers over the course of a couple of days, had the guests smell the poop and then write down what they thought the mommy had eaten based on the smell of the poopy. i am not telling a lie. this really did happen. the twisted thought process that went into creating this game is enough to make me think the new mommy was suffering from some kind of postpartum dementia. any way you slice it, this game is sick and wrong. don't go there. leave the poopies in a trash can outside and walk away. there is no other option.
  • identifying different jars of baby food: this one involves blindfolding people and having them eat and then try to identify the different flavors of baby food. pregnant ladies have a sensitive enough stomach without making them eat some disgusting form of baby food. you want your guests to enjoy good food at a shower, not gag and have to run to the nearest bathroom. spend the time and money on making some really great desserts for people. they will thank you.
  • chewing gum babies: yep. this game involves everyone in attendance chewing bubble gum and then sculpting a "baby" out of the pinkish, saliva ridden wad. it is disgusting on its own, but what made this shower game even more horrific was that it was a team game. yes, nothing says "can't wait for you to have your baby" like a group of ladies molding each others discarded chewing gum into fetus-like creatures.  
so, what did we miss? anyone have any awful shower games to add to the list? we would love to hear.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

diy chore chart--guest post by allison @ a few sprinkles short of a sundae

i admit it openly. i am not good at making my children clean up. i don’t clean up, so i guess they figure they don’t need to either, right? but the countless number of cars and barbie parts scattered across my floor are enough to make me want to get rid of every toy in my house. every. toy.

but seeing as we, and other people, have spent money on these great little foot jabbers, it would be nice to keep them for more than week before i toss them out in a way that would make buzz lightyear tremble in fear. so as i scoured pinterest one day i came across an idea for a chore chart.

and since my 5-year-old is greatly motivated by anything quarters and dollars, i thought i could make a chore chart where the kids could earn money for doing things they should already do anyway. but whatever, don’t judge.
so here is what i made:

it really was pretty simple to make. i bought myself a shiny new cookie sheet and used my old one for this project (win/win!). i went to a local store and got yellow spray paint and sprayed that sucker down. allow it to dry a day or two before doing anything else with it, but that will give you time to make the other parts.

then i had to think of chores and how much each was worth. i will tell you, i apparently overpriced some of these things because in one day my daughter made off with $2.50 from doing all the chores. be cheap!

i got magnets and would be sticking each chore onto a magnet to put on the cookie sheet. still with me? good! i started off printing the chores out onto little circles, but then i remembered that my children can’t read yet, so i had better use pictures. then simply cut out the little circles and glue them onto the magnets (i used my xyron sticker maker, but use what you have).

since i have two children, i needed to make a side for each child. i pulled out my cricut and made their names, again using the xyron sticker maker to put adhesive on them.

simply put the names where you want them (or just one name if you are only doing this for one child – but seriously, make them all do chores). i then used bright colored duct tape to divide the areas for each child and the chores to be done. voila!

now each child can do a chore and slide the appropriate magnet over to his or her side and at the end of the day we pay them. like i said before, though, one day my daughter managed to make $2.50. my son, on the other hand, is not nearly as motivated by money and really doesn’t care about cleanliness or money.

did the chore chart save our home from the producers of hoarders being called in? not really, but it was fun to make and it has motivated the kids to help with the dishes and make their beds a little more. so i’ll call that a win!

allison is a stay-at-home mom of two, a biological daughter who is 5 and an adoptive son who is 4. she is also wife to one husband (and one is plenty, thank you very much), who is 31. when not blogging or ignoring her children’s pleas to help find their shoes again, allison can be found attempting to write novels in what little spare time she has left between facebook, twitter, pinterest, and, you know, parenting. she is the genius behind the blog “a few sprinkles short of a sundae.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

baby cinco

it's official. we have a new baby boy to add to the third boob family. he'll be two weeks old tomorrow and is perfect, as all new babies are. welcome to the party, baby cinco. you're in for a crazy ride with the third boob bunch but we think you're going to like it here. we are so happy to have you.

Monday, February 27, 2012

mmmmm, mondays: green eggs and ham in honor of dr. seuss's birthday

the great theodore geisel's birthday (aka dr. seuss) was march 2nd. this friday, consider making his birthday a fun celebration with your kiddos. one thing i plan on in my household is a breakfast of green eggs and ham and perhaps some cozy story time with our favorite seuss books. what about you? do you have anything planned to celebrate the day?
green eggs and ham a la sam-i-am

1-2 tablespoons of butter
4 slices of ham
8 eggs
2 tablespoons of milk
1-2 drops of green food coloring
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of pepper

what you’ll need
knife, medium-size mixing bowl, wire whisk or eggbeater, large frying pan, spatula, aluminum foil, serving plates

1. melt a teaspoon of butter in a large frying pan over medium heat. add sliced ham and brown until edges are slightly crisp. remove the ham from the pan, cover with aluminum foil, and set aside.

2. in a medium-size mixing bowl, combine the eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. beat with a whisk until frothy. then add 1-2 drops of green food coloring until you reach the desired shade of green.

3. heat a tablespoon of butter in a large frying pan over medium heat until the butter begins to sizzle. then add the egg mixture to the pan.

4. stir the egg mixture with a spatula until the eggs are firm and not too runny.

5. transfer the eggs to individual plates. garnish with a sprig of parsley. add the ham prepared earlier. serve with toast or warm rolls.

feeds 4 hungry green-egg lovers
recipe courtesy suessville website