Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

our favorite posts of all time

it's hard to believe that it's been four years since we started this blog. what began as a place for our close friends to share recipes or see what to register for when having a baby has grown into a thriving community of people worldwide that we consider an extension of our own families.

the past four years in each of our lives have brought about many stories.....some make us laugh and others have made us cry....but all have made us grow and learn.

here are our favorite posts of all time. thank you for coming along on this journey with us. we are thankful for each of you and look forward to sharing many more stories to come. 

heather and genelle

genelle's favorites:

the third boob: the story that started it all
all great things in life have to start somewhere. our list wouldn't be complete without this post. it gave us our name and has been the story we re-tell over and over again everywhere we go. why "the third boob?" this is why.

this was our first post to be featured on "scary mommy" and it stirred up a ton of conversation and controversy. we hand never been called "fat slobs who sit on the couch eating french fries all day" before this post was published. you've gotta love a good discussion starter!

failing as a mother
there are certain posts that are so vulnerable that it is like getting a snap shot of our lives at a given moment. this was one of those posts for us. it was extremely hard to write, painful still to read and it touches moms everywhere who are walking through this journey of parenthood.

the day my boobs betrayed me
there are some #reallife moments that are just hysterical. they are too good not to share. this was one of those moments. it still makes me laugh every time i read it.

my days are numbered
even with all the funny stories and very difficult moments, there are days when it hits you. time moves way too quickly. when one of our 20 something guy readers said this post made him cry, we know we had something that resounded with many.

heather's favorites:

my sparkling truth: confessions, a single mama and the road trip
if we decide to do a sponsored post, we do so only if we love the product already and if it fits within a story we want to tell. this product fit both and was the first time heather wrote about the changes that were taking place in her family. it was scary, and the support you all showed her will never be forgotten.

why i killed my ex-husband
you can't get more raw or honest then this. it's still hard for us to read but in truth there is beauty and a future. 

heather's 40 things i've learned in 40 years
genelle's 40 things i've learned in 40 years

we both turned 40 this past december and wrote these posts. we have been friends for 20 years and although we are so alike in so many ways we are also so different. if you want to get to know us, we think these posts give a great insight to who we are and how we think. 

grief, loss, acceptance and love

sadly, at this stage of life, we don't think we even know one person whose life hasn't been touched by cancer. this is one story of how it changed heather's life. 

did you go to your high school reunion? heather had the hardest time deciding if she should go or not. find out what she decided and how it turned out. 

we can't think of a post that makes us laugh more. no, diy projects are not funny. what is hilarious is that heather had put zero thought into this post. she snapped a couple photos of something she had done in her house and put it up on this place called pinterest.....and it exploded. to date, this is the single most read post on our blog of all time and gets hits daily even now. it's the gift that just keep giving? apparently, if you want a post to go viral you put in zero though and slap it up onto pinterest. hilarious, but we love the love and appreciate it so much. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

10 things every traveler needs

hotel rooms suck at having enough outlets in the room. this has saved me on many trips and comes in handy at the airport too. 

2. voyager digital luggage scale w/ 110 lb. capacity & smartgrip

ever stressed about your baggage being over 50 lbs.? this lightweight and easy to read scale will put your mind at ease before you even reach the airport.

3. ebags packing cubes

these have changed my packing experience. easy to pack what you need, sort it out and get to what you need when you need it. when traveling as a family, try having a different color for each family member and it makes unpacking a shared suitcase a snap.

i have this on my phone at all times and continually get asked about it. no one can see what you are looking at on your phone or what you are typing. 

same as the above privacy screen, this makes airplane travel so much easier without the nosey eyes of the person in the seat next to you seeing what you are working on. 

worth every penny. truly.

this small device turns my ipad into a mini laptop and serves as a case and stand as well. awesome.

throw this item in your purse or briefcase and have power for your laptop or phone, even when an outlet isn't available to use.

most comfortable neck pillow i have ever used. heavenly.

i normally hate eye masks. they smash my eyelashes and feel awful. these are very lightweight and are curved so your eyelashes don't bump against them. it's wonderful for the plane, a not-so-dark hotel room or are awesome if you are a migraine sufferer. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

have kids, will travel: the road trip

with five kids, the very phrase "road trip" makes my blood pressure rise. spending hours upon hours confined in a very small space with all of those restless little people can be a recipe for disaster. still, taking an airplane doesn't make sense in some cases because of the time frame and the cost so lengthy car rides are a part of the "nellie" family vacation framework.

a couple of weeks ago, we packed up the five kiddos (oldest: age 9 and youngest age 1) and headed to disney world. orlando is a seven and a half hour drive (without stops) from our home and we were going to be gone for a week. packing five kids (four in either car seats or boosters) and all the luggage required a degree in engineering all on its own. keeping the kids happy on the trip was close to impossible. still, we managed to get there and back in good spirits so i thought i'd pass on what worked well for my clan.

if you are taking a road trip with your kids, here are my tips for survival:
  • pack as many items as possible out of the way. we borrowed a travel metal grate that attached to our towing hitch. we used that to carry the big luggage and two strollers. we wrapped it all in a large tarp in case of rain and secured it with bungee cords. we looked like the "clampetts" but the kids had enough leg room to wiggle a little bit. we have previously made the mistake of packing the car so full that no one could move. this was miserable for our kids and miserable for us as we listened to their complaints. it is better to swallow our pride and look like a hillbilly than to have anyone suffering.
we may need a bigger car...
  • dvd players are a gift from heaven.  i am all for family bonding. i love playing the alphabet game and other road trip adventures. they really do create great family memories. i'm also for a couple of hours of peace and quiet while everyone watches a movie. if you have the means, invest in a dvd player for your car, especially for your younger kids. we had two separate for the older kids and one for the younger. we had "mickey mouse clubhouse" and "narnia" playing at the same time and everyone was happy. 
dvd players...strapped in and ready to roll

  • buy headphones and other attachments in advance. for easter this year, each child found new headphones in their baskets. these gifts were really for me but the kids never figured it out. when you have more than one child watching more than one dvd, you want the sound isolated. head sets are a life saver. purchase other travel attachments as well. you can purchase a splitter so that two kids can watch the same dvd player at the same time when there is only one headphone jack. set this up and have it functioning properly days before your trip. if you need more power outlets, purchase adapters for this as well. our car is painfully short of power outlets so we lived by extra adapters. make sure all electronics have the proper car adapter as well before the trip begins.

a much needed car adapter...

everyone is happily in their own little world...

  • pack each child a "car bag" before the trip. my kids actually helped me with this process to make it easier. each child had a new coloring book or puzzle book, sufficient crayons and pencils, a new book to read (also an easter basket treat), school work they needed to complete, and an electronic game like a nintendo ds or a leapster or leap pad. their games were also organized and divided by child so everyone had their own items to use on the trip. we also had no video games for a couple of weeks before the trip to make the game time a little more enticing. it might seem cruel but it did work well. having everything divided by child made them responsible for their own activities and ensured there would not be any fighting over items. it worked like a charm.

seats ready with bags, pillows and water bottles

  • bring a pillow for each child and at least one blanket for the trip. this may seem excessive but one of them was always cold. there was also a brief, blissful moment when all of the kids fell asleep for about a half an hour. yes..even the nine year old. that is proof that miracles do happen. 

  • bring enough snacks and drinks to feed a small foreign country. our motto has always been, "when nothing else works, give them something to snack on." this proved especially the case with our one year old. he pretty much ate or threw food on the ground for the entire trip. we could have lived for days on the food remnants on our floor. still, it was worth it for the entertainment factor alone. when kids are bored, they often think they are hungry. they will ask for snacks. they will be grumpy if they are not fed. have more than enough food to feed them. you won't be sorry. 
this was only part of it...and we stopped for meals...

  • plan your trip around stops you plan to make. it might sound crazy, but we planned to leave at a certain time so we could drive for a couple of hours before we stopped for lunch. meals always included a place to run and play (usually a fast food playground) in order to burn off some of the pent up energy. after lunch we planned on nap time for the little ones and figured we could go a couple more hours after they woke up. that put us at a good place for an out-of-the-car snack break (and another potty stop). then it was a couple more hours before dinner. you get the idea. you will have to stop for bathroom breaks and meals. we wanted to minimize those as much as we could and coordinate them with the kids normal schedules as well. we also planned specific times for activities. there was movie time but there was also reading time, school work time, game time, etc. keeping things to designated time kept the kids entertained and happy.

  • most of all, remember your sense of humor and adventure. i'm going to be really honest. these tips may not work for you. you could plan like crazy and everything could fall apart in that car. it could be carmageddon. three years ago when we did this same trip, my now three year old spent the entire trip...all 7.5 hours of driving time...baaing like a lamb...loudly...without stopping. i can't tell you how many friends i called to have them listen. he didn't nap. he didn't want to play. he just made that sound, over and over again. it was the longest trip i have ever taken. if everything goes wrong, it's okay. it will not define your's just a small part of the whole. keep a sense of humor and keep your chin up. with each mile that goes by, this too shall pass. you might as well make the most of it. 
wherever your travels take you, i hope these suggestions help. my kids are all still alive and they remember the trip with happy memories so that has to count for something. if you have any other great suggestions, i'd love to hear them. if you see us traveling this summer or any other family with baggage strapped to every inch of their vehicle, smile and wave. we all just might need a life line. happy trails!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

have kids, will travel

on friday the entire "nellie" clan will be boarding a plane for the west coast. that's right people, if you have plans to travel on friday and you're living in charlotte, atlanta or san francisco, you might seriously want to consider changing your ticket. we are "that" family traveling. as if it's not enough showing up at the airport with five kids in tow, one is a two year old...a real two year old...with everything that implies. 

i can just see the expressions on everyone's faces now. they first look in shock and then in horror at the thought of sharing a combined space with all of the children for an extended period of time. people who have never believed in god before will suddenly find themselves whispering repeated prayers that we be seated as far from them as possible. we are the communicable disease of the travel world. 

i get it. i've traveled before. i've even whispered those same prayers on those rare moments when i'm without my children. i can understand the sheer panic that the sight of so many children on a plane can ignite. i am with you.

i am seriously stressing in anticipation. i don't want to be "that" family. i have worked, planned, and strategized for weeks in preparation for this outing. i've purchased new books, charged every electronic device possible, prepared snacks, packed changes of clothes, books, crayons, everything i can possibly think of to make the journey across the country as pain free as possible. 

i know it's easy to look at the traveling families and annoyingly wish they hadn't bothered your travel bliss. you have to trust me on this one, no matter how much you may want to be elsewhere when you are seated next to my family, i will have that desire trumped by ten fold. the last thing i want to do as i'm beginning a family vacation is endure a full day in cramped quarters with my irritable children. i'm dreading the looks of exasperation, the sighs of discontentment and the comments of annoyance from my children and fellow passengers alike. it promises to be a very long day.

so, i am officially retracting my previous statement. don't change your tickets. lend a hand. if it's not the "nellie" clan you befriend, find another poor family in need. smile and, if nothing else, wish them luck. it certainly can't make your plane ride any worse...and it just might go a long way to make someone else's plane ride just a little bit better.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

when the hubby is away, the wife will...well, you get the picture

i found out on wednesday night at 10:30 that my husband was leaving the next morning for three days. yep, he'd mentioned that he "might" be heading out of town but nothing was official until that night. yep...super happy about the advanced notice...but we'll save that for another post.

as i tried to wrap my head around the fact that i'd be alone with five children for three days (at least it's a short trip, right?), i decided to try to find a list of the best things about being on my own for a short time. might as well try to find the positive in it all and relish the out-of-the-ordinary good, right.

maybe it's my late night feedings that have inspired my "letterman" top ten lists lately but, here you go:

the top ten things about the hubby being away

1. the remote is all mine. really? is there anything better? i can watch whatever i want. want to end the night with something on the food network? no one will be the wiser. not really interested in another crime drama to end my evening? no one will complain. wanting to see how "the real housewives" are fairing? no complaints.

2. really, who is going to say something if i wear sweats all day? if i don't have anywhere to be and no one is going to see me, do i really need to get out of sweats? i don't think so.

3. i only need to shave what is visible. i'm pretty sure you get the picture. any less shaving is a plus in my book.

4. i can leave my craft projects on the counter for three days and no one cares. why clean up a project in the works? it will be sitting there waiting for me in the morning.

5. the whole bed is mine. i can't remember the last time i've had the luxury of stretching out across a bed. no one snored last night. no one took my covers. it is pretty great on occasion.

6. if i feed the kids hot dogs, cereal and sandwiches for three days, no one is the wiser. my kids might start to complain but they will survive...and no one else is around to care. i'll take that.

7. it's pretty much a given that i'll be hitting starbucks...and not limiting my visits to once a day. normally my husband thinks my starbucks addiction is a bit much. when he's away, he will load up my starbucks card to help me get through the days without him.'s the little things.

8. eating out once or twice is considered mandatory. my husband pretty much counts on part of his per diem going to feed the whole family. one less meal to cook, clean up after, get the kids to eat = fantastic.

9. i can be crazy productive. when there is even just one less person to talk with, spend time with, revolve around, it's amazing what i can get done. i've cleaned out closets, done more spring planting, crafted up some gifts for teacher appreciation week, all while keeping five kids happy, fed and clothed. i think that's pretty amazing.

10. when he comes home, i'll be guaranteed some time to myself. magically, when the husband does return home, he will feel it's his job to give me a break. really, i haven't done any more work than i normally do. still, he'll feel bad and i'll get to sleep in, go some where by myself, get another starbucks. i think i'd like to sign up for this more often.

how about you? what's the best part your partner being away? i know, it's great to have them back, can't live without them, so happy they are there, blah, blah, blah. i'm happy too. still, there's something to be said about alone time, don't you think?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

travel with toddlers--step 2: packing for onboard the plane (guest blogger: beth from cloud surfing kids)

travel with toddlers--step 2: packing for onboard the plane (guest blogger: beth from cloud surfing with kids)

expect to actively entertain your toddler during the flight. toddlers have short attention spans and need near-constant engagement to stay happy. if you're lucky your child will sleep for part of the trip. i wasn't lucky, "e" very rarely slept. (well, i was lucky because she was always very good. but she refused to sleep.) as i advised with packing for infants, packing minimally is not really the best thing. pack everything you might need but keep it as small and light as possible. try to keep everything easily accessible so you don't have to search for things when your child is getting impatient.

dvd player, headphones, and blanket = happy toddler...for at least 10 minutes.

most airlines' inflight policies state that when using devices with audio (dvd players, ipod touch) you are required to use headsets or turn off the volume. please remember that not everyone wants to listen to toddler shows. get headsets for your toddler. if he refuses to wear them let him watch the shows with no volume. when he's interested enough in hearing it he will wear the headsets. when "e" first started wearing the headsets she would wear them for about 10 minutes at a time. then on to the next activity!

what to pack in the backpack:

toddler change of clothes; adult change of clothes; 6-10 OVERNIGHT diapers; diaper wipes; changing pad; antibacterial wipes; tissues; quart-size ziploc bag with: play-doh, fever reducing medicine, prescription meds (if needed), hand sanitizer; orajel swabs; thermometer; water wow doodle book; crayola color wonder book and markers; stickers; small stuffed animal; littlest pet shop toys; blanket; adult sweater; toddler sweater; 4-6 plastic grocery bags (for trash, etc.); ipod touch or dvd player; headphones for toddler; ipod and ear buds for me; power adapter or back up battery; charger for phone;
(not pictured: purse or billfold--don't forget them!)

overnight diapers are a must. sometimes you are unable to change a diaper when you would like to due to turbulence and the seat belt sign. whenever I was unable to change E's diaper in the last hour of the flight her diaper leaked on descent. it must be the change in air pressure. an overnight diaper usually solves the leaking problem.

two milk boxes; two juice boxes; cookies; luna or balance Bars; lollipops; fruit strips; fruit snacks; M&M's; squeezable applesauce; grammy sammy; peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; cheese sticks; plate; toddler utensils; bib; antibacterial wipes; diaper wipes

the trade off for the convenience of bringing your own milk/juice boxes from home is having to separate those at security and step aside for additional screening on them. i felt it was usually worth it. otherwise bring a sippy cup to fill with beverages you purchase in the airport. many airlines do not cater milk on their flights that depart after 10am so plan to provide your own.

if you follow these lists you should have practically everything you need. i usually bring even more food and small toys but probably only end up using half of them. it's always better to pack more than you need than to be in need of something. again, just keep items small so you can manage your bags and your potentially squirmy toddler.

our guest blogger, beth is a flight attendant for a major airline and mom to a
curious explorer, "e".  "e" earned elite status at the airline at 20 months. in her blog, "cloud surfing kids", beth gives helpful tips and insight based on her experiences.

in case you missed her first two post in this series on traveling with infants, you can find them here and here. also, don't miss her other post on traveling with toddlers!

follow beth on twitter at @CloudSurfingMom

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

travel with infants--step 1: getting to the aircraft (guest blogger: beth from cloud surfing kids)

travel with infants--step 1: getting to the aircraft.

traveling with infants is easier than you think. infants often sleep much of the flight so you can at least breathe once you settle in your seat. the toughest part is getting through security, so that's why i start here.

do yourself a favor and check your suitcase. even if you have to pay a checked bag fee, it's worth it. can you imagine lifting it into the overhead bin while juggling your infant? even if you have baby in a carrier, it will be nearly impossible to safely lift that bag. yes, it would be nice if someone helped you, but you can't count on that. simplify the trip in any area you can. i carry on only a backpack and diaper bag (or combine the two).

you can check your car seat (airlines do not charge for car seats/pack 'n' plays/strollers), or do what I do: use gogobabyz wheelz.

gogobabyz has amazing products to assist in air travel and if you fly with the baby more than once a year, the cost is *DEFINITELY* worth it! the infant cruizer comes with an adapter to allow you to use it with a convertible car seat once the baby gets bigger so it's a great investment.

even if the baby will be in your lap, not in her own seat, it's nice to have wheels to push the baby or the bags through the airport. Leave the wheels attached and gate check if the baby does not have a seat.

getting through security:

many large airports have a line at security dedicated to families with children. look for this line where there will be less pressure to rush from the passengers in line behind you.

it's nice to have baby in a front pack/sling/or infant carrier while setting everything on the scanner belt so you can have both hands free.

-remove your ziploc baggie of liquids and place in their own bin. (add to this bin liquid for bottles, if bringing. more advice on this next week.)

-put the backpack and diaper bag straight on the belt (no bin)

-remove your shoes and yes, baby's shoes if he is wearing them. (don't bother with shoes on your infant for airport travel. if the look of shoes is important to you, get trumpette socks.

-if you have the car seat and wheels, detach the wheels and put both through the scanner.

-last, remove baby from carrier and put carrier on the belt.

after walking through the scanner don't feel you have to rush in reassembling, but move out of everyones way. push all your belongings to the end of the belt and assemble in reverse of how you put bags on in the first place:
-put on front pack/sling
-put baby in carrier
-shoes on
-wheels on car seat
-backpack on car seat
diaper bag stacked on backpack

or, of course you can use the infant cruizer the way it's intended and put the baby in. then wear the backpack and carry the diaper bag. (go-go babyz also has a great diaper bag that attaches to the infant cruizer handle.) 

you made it though the toughest part of travel with an infant! next week I'll show you how i pack for the airplane with an infant. 

stay tuned: beth will be blogging with us for the next few weeks sharing her *fabulous* airplane travel tips for infants and toddlers both!

**i do not represent any of the above mentioned companies. i am simply a fan of their products and want to share them with you.**

welcome to beth!

beth is a flight attendant for a major airline and  mom to a curious explorer, "e".  "e" earned elite status at the airline at 20 months. in her blog, "cloud surfing kids", beth gives helpful tips and insight based on her experiences.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

have toilet. will travel.

have you ever tried to take your potty training toddler on a road trip? it is an adventure that we have had lots of experience with. the worst is when you are not near a gas station or rest stop and your little one yells "mommy, i need to go poo poo!"

what you need:

•a travel potty (we love this baby bjorn one because the front end is raised)

BABYBJÖRN Potty Chair, Blue

plastic garbage bags (any ones will do---we just grab a few from our costco sized roll before venturing out)

Glad ForceFlex Tall Kitchen 13 Gallon Trash Bag With Odor Shield - 120-Count

• baby wipes (for the bum) (ps--this travel case is awesome. i love just having it strapped to my diaper bag for daily use.)

Skip Hop Swipe Baby Wipes Case

antibacterial wipes (in case any gets onto anything it is not supposed to)

Wet Ones Citrus Scent Antibacterial Hand & Face Wipes, 48 Count Canister 5 Pack (Five Total Canisters)

hand sanitizer (will do for hand washing in a pinch)

Dial Corporation 01203 "Citrus Scent" Liquid Hand Sanitizer 2 Oz. With Moisturizers

directions (i am not sure that anyone really needs these.....but here they are):

•simply, pull the car over to a safe place.
•take out the potty and put the garbage bag over it.
•set the potty down on the ground, away from the road.
•after your child has gone potty, remove the plastic bag, tie it up and bring it to the nearest garbage can (no littering, people).

here is a photo of out "kit":

here is what the potty looks like ready to go with the garbage bag over it:

hope that this time-tested trick of ours works for you. let me know if you have any other helpful hints.