Showing posts with label netflix families. Show all posts
Showing posts with label netflix families. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

surviving summer vacation: netflix for families

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while all the opinions are my own, i am honored to be writing a sponsored post on behalf of netflix.

rainy day movie time...

the nellie clan is traveling. we took a thirteen hour road trip (more stories about his later) with the five kids to connecticut to visit with some friends of ours. these are friends i have known for 30+ years so our memories and our friendships go way back. the kids have playmates and we have great adult conversation. it's a win-win all the way around. 

there is one key difference between the home we are visiting and the home that is our own. our friends have made the choice to not have a television in their house. they do have a computer and a lot of books but no television entertainment. i applaud and respect their choice completely but it is a huge transition for my own children. with the five of my kids at home all summer long, TV time and movie time become a break in all the *quality* interaction that summer vacation can bring. my kids spend time together, play together, swim together and do things individually but they sometimes need time to unwind. that time is often our family movie time. when the youngest two are napping, the big kids will curl up and watch their favorite disney shows together. they seem to need these breaks as well and it gives me a small bit of time in the afternoons to detox from all the summertime activities. 

transitioning to a house without tv has been a difficult switch for my kiddos. there are now eight kids playing all the time and, occasionally, i will find that one or more of the kids need a general "time out" away from all the business that all those kids create. 

add to these dynamics a very sick three year old who has wheezed and coughed horribly since our arrival and we have been extremely thankful that we thought to bring my computer, an ipod and my iphone along for the journey. we have been able to pull up shows on netflix families in various locations around the house and give the kids a small amount of alone time to relax in the midst of vacation chaos.

so sad!

my kiddos are huge disney fans and they love the fact they can rewatch their favorite "handy manny" and "good luck charlie" episodes on netflix. netflix families even has new categories on their website fit for summer like "family movie night", "tv for curious kids", "are we there yet" and more. 

my favorite part of their netflix time? there are no commercials...ever. i love commercial free viewing for my children (and myself). i can allow the kids to watch a show i know and trust and i do not have to worry they will see some commercial content of which i do not approve. 

so, while we are here visiting our friends, we are happily coexisting...her children without tv and mine with. they are having the best time interacting and playing with one another. there times full of battleship and hullabaloo but there are also times for my kids when they can sit quietly and come down from it all. they seem to need that and, frankly, so do i. netflix families lets us have that, easily and on various devices for various kids. that extra little bit of happiness is more than i could ask for. is a new destination designed to meet your family’s summertime entertainment needs. On, parents can find lists of movies and TV shows for all kinds of special summer moments.

Visit for more information on the best ways to stream as well as videos from families using Netflix.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Netflix.