Showing posts with label breast feeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast feeding. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

getting ready for baby: feeding, breast and bottle

if you haven't read any of our other "getting ready for baby" posts, you can find some other useful tips here:

again, just to restate what we've said before, while we are mommies with experience, we're not experts with your baby. any decisions you need to make for you and your baby have to be focuses on what works for you. still, here are some tips about what has worked for us.

breast feeding:

let's begin with the items you will need first. these are items you should have with you at the hospital when your sweet baby arrives.

nursing bra: these make nursing so much easier. you'll be asked to nurse a lot in the hospital so bring some with you. buy nursing bras that fit your pregnancy boobies well. there is nothing more uncomfortable than overflowing out of your nursing bras.
lanolin: i'm not going to lie, getting started nursing isn't easy. the baby has to learn how to latch on properly and you'll need to learn how to teach him or her. it is a process and it can be a painful one. lanolin can really help with sore nipples. i know, it's probably more than you want to hear in the pre-baby planning bliss but it is reality. have lanolin at the hospital. you won't be sorry.
nursing pads: while you won't need these as desperately until your milk comes in, it's still a good idea to have them at the hospital. again, you'll want to use lanolin after you nurse. it is a bit greasy and nursing pads will save your clothes. they will be extremely valuable later when you hear another baby cry and you're trying to get checked out at target. nothing more embarrassing than giant wet spots on your boobies...just saying.
those will get you through the hospital visit. you may be really prepared and want some of the later items at the hospital, especially if you are incredibly modest. here's the way i looked at it. these people had just recently seen my legs up in stirrups and they have been back in to check me out for hemorrhoids. i'm pretty sure my nursing in my room is the least of my modesty worries.

nursing cover: these will make nursing in public so much more comfortable for you, and for those around you. i nursed my kids just about everywhere and a little bit of modesty on my part went a long way.
nursing pillow: i'm a fan of "my breast friend." the name alone makes me want to buy it. i've also used the boppy and find it works just as well. anything that can get your baby in the right position to nurse makes life easier and saves your arms as well.
breast pump: almost all nursing mothers at some point need to pump their breast milk for their baby. if this is your first baby and you plan on having more and you plan on nursing throughout your pregnancy, you may just want to purchase a good breast pump. i'm a firm believer in buying a top quality breast pump. the best ones are fast and efficient. don't skimp on this. you will be sorry you didn't get a nicer one and you'll probably end up buying a good one anyway. some people have a tough time nursing, however, and don't end up nursing past the baby's first few weeks. you may want to see how nursing goes for you and your baby before you invest in a breast pump. you can also rent these from most hospitals. i'd way all the options first and decide whether or not the investment is right for you. i did buy one with my first baby and am so happy i did.
milk storage bags: if you are going to use a breast pump, you'll need these as well. you'll also need bottles. my favorites are listed below.
a good place to nurse: nursing takes a while. it can take up big chunks of your day and night. find a place that is comfortable for you and the baby and stock it with things you like to do. stick your kindle there or a magazine you've been wanting to read. have the remote handy if you'd like to watch a show. get a large glass of water and have a coaster ready. grab the telephone and have it within arms reach. the last thing you want to do once you get settled nursing is to move at all. being prepared can make nursing a relaxing experience for you and the baby.

bottle feeding:

bottles and nipples: you'll want some bottles for newborns and some for older babies. bottle nipples vary by the age of your baby as well so purchase the various sizes and have them ready. my favorite bottles are dr. brown's bottles. they have been the best for my babies and their sensitive tummies.
formula: your doctor may recommend a formula for your baby. always follow your doctor's advice when feeding your baby. i was so careful with my first baby and then i compared the ingredients in the brand name formulas with the target brand of formulas and found they were identical and about $5.00 less per can. i started buying the generic. my kids survived. you can also go online and register for the various formula brands and they will not only send you a free sample canister but they will also send you coupons for $5.00 off of the cans of formula. it's so expensive and $5.00 buys you a starbucks.
formula dispenser: pre-measure your formula ahead of time and make a bottle fast. hungry babies are cranky. feeding them quickly lowers every one's stress levels. these also make traveling a breeze.
bottle brush: bottles aren't easy to clean and sometimes they get thrown by your baby into odd corners of their room where you'll find them a week later. you need a bottle brush to get into the bottles and clean them. they are cheap. buy two. most come with a nipple brush to wash out the nipples as well. spend the extra quarter and make sure the brush has a nipple cleaning attachment.
dishwasher bottle basket: some people go through so many steps to clean and sanitize their baby's bottles. i don't have time to be that detailed. i scrub mine out with a bottle brush and put it in the dishwasher. my dishwasher has an anti-bacterial setting and i'll use that one. even if your dishwasher doesn't have that setting, have you opened a dishwasher while it's running? do you feel the steam that comes out? i usually feel like i'm getting a facial. the bottle sanitizer that you would buy at the store uses the steam principle to clean your baby's bottle. that just seems like a lot of work when your dishwasher will do it for you. the bottle basket does make things easier and keeps all the bottle parts together in one handy place.
bottle warmer: i did use a bottle warmer as i transitioned from breast to bottle feeding my kids. it did seem to make the transition easier. i also used these when i didn't want to walk downstairs in the middle of the night. i had the warmer on my bedside table with a bottle filled with the right amount of water. when the baby cried, i turned on the warmer. when the water was warm, i used my formula dispenser and had a bottle ready without leaving my bed. i did eventually have to get out to go feed my baby but at that point, my husband sometimes could be convinced to do that for me.

for all babies, you'll want to have the following things handy:

burp clothes: babies spit up. some babies really spit up...a lot. having a burp cloth will save some of your clothes some of the time. they are totally worth it. if you're looking for something really easy to use as a burp cloth, buy a package of cloth diapers and use one to throw over your shoulder. they are inexpensive and absorbent...just what you'll need.
journal: this can be a little note pad or a nicer journal. the first few weeks of your babies life, you'll get asked how often they are eating, if they are nursing from both sides, how long they are nursing, how often they are pooping, how many ounces they are drinking with each bottle and how often. if you are nursing, you'll want to nurse starting on one side one time and the other side the next. there are so many little details to remember that it's easier to just jot them down in a journal. remember, you'll be exhausted and your brain won't be running on a full night's sleep. give yourself a break and jot down some notes.
i will throw something out here. i know some people swear by the little gadgets that are like baby beepers. they beep when it's time to eat, beep when it's time to sleep, beep all the time. i think this is going a bit far. i'm still pretty capable of looking at the clock and if a timer ever tells me to wake up my baby that i just got to sleep to feed him or her, that beeper is getting thrown across the room. beepers might be great if they were specifically designed for your baby, anticipating your day and your baby's needs. they are machines, however, and will never be able to read you or your baby like you will. trust yourself. you can be a great parent without a baby beeper.

that's the basics. did we forget anything? if there's something you couldn't live without, let us know. we're always eager to learn from other mommy experts.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

top 25 must-have *FREE* iphone apps for parents

we scoured the globe (well, we did ask a LOT of friends) and came up with these fantastic and FREE iphone apps for parents. 

imdb--movie and tv database
solve the riddle of "what else what that guy in?" this amazing data base covers all movie and television actors.

link to your netflix account and watch movies and television from your instant queue as part of your membership. lovely. it is my new favorite way to entertain the kiddos when the doctor is running 30-45 minutes late. 


link to your account and be able to see what movies are at your local redbox machine. reserve from your phone. movies are only $1/night. so easy.

even if you don't have a kindle you can download this app onto your iphone and purchase books or download any of the free selections that amazon offers. 

around me
this app allows you to quickly find out what is around you. you can easily locate the nearest atm, coffee shop, gas station, hotel, etc. love using this for travel.

transform your ordinary cell phone photos into super cool works of art with the fantastic photography app. love it.

this app lets shoppers make better, healthier choices at the supermarket. When you scan a product, the software analyzes the information found in the nutrition panel and ingredient list, and comes up with a rating and a tidbit or two explaining the product. you get the good and the bad info on the product and the thing i love the most is that it also gives you a healthier alternative to the product. this app has really opened my eyes to how unhealthy some products are that i thought were good for me and my family.

price check
amazon has released this free app that allows you to do comparison shopping. you start by saying the name of your target product, scanning its barcode, typing its name, or snapping a photo. you'll get several results; tap one to see who's offering it with prices and shipping costs listed. of course, amazon hopes it has the lowest price, but it doesn't always win. another free app along these lines that you might want to try is "red laser". both are great.

tag reader
you know those crazy black and white square shaped codes that are now popping up everywhere on signs, etc? (see above tag reader logo) this is the app that will allow you to scan them and get the information you need! get it.

free streaming music tailored to your taste in artists or music style preference. heaven.

what's on tv
a tv guide for your phone. find out what is showing, when and on what station.


rei snow and ski report
not great timing with summer being in full force now.....but download it and keep it handy for the winter. you will be thanking me.


classic camping cookbook and meal planner
it's summer and that means it is time to camp! this free app is a great source to plan your camping meals......there great ideas for both the chef and non-chef.

whole foods market recipes
such a fun app. great recipes and shopping lists. makes a trip to whole foods so easy---and fun too!


the daily beast
my favorite daily news source at the moment.

in-n-out locator
the californian in me *craves* in-n-out and when we head back we use this to find the first in-n-out we can get to as we cross state lines. if you have never experienced this place, make a point of it the next time you are anywhere near (california, texas, arizona, utah or nevada). 

this app identifies pet friendly parks, hotels, etc. near you.  i think it comes in especially handy when you are traveling in a new place with your pooch. 


drug reference for drugs that cross the mammary barrier---what a wonderful app for nursing mothers.

starbucks mobile
my husband likes to call starbuck "four-bucks" because every time i go i can't spend under $4. ugh! but who can resist?! i wish that they had a punch card so that my addiction would be at least worth a free coffee every once in a while. i finally found the solution (thanks to an equally addicted friend)--the starbucks mobile app! you earn a free coffee every 15 visits if you pay with a gift card registered to your app. if you don't have a gift card, buy yourself one and just keep re-filling it! it's about time you get something *free* from starbucks. you pay for your java via your phone with unique barcode linked to your gift card on file. amazing.

hanging with friends
for those of you already addicted to "words with friends", this is for you! a fun hangman-type of game that you can play with your friends. p.s.--if you haven't heard of words with friends yet, that is a great free app too. :-) 


fluent news reader
this app aggregates made-for-mobile versions of top news sources into a single, intelligently organized, fully customizable mobile newspaper. i just learned about it and it is quickly becoming one of my favorite apps.


dragon dictation
this is an easy-to-use voice recognition application that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages. they claim that it’s up to five times faster than typing on the keyboard.....i am not sure about that, but is *is* pretty cool.

this app gives you speed trap alerts tailored to your exact gps location. who wouldn't love this?!

trip tracker
this app gives you real-time status for flights, real-time itinerary push alerts, live weather reports, route maps, hotel information and car rental information----it really makes your travel a breeze.

hulu plus
we got rid of our cable television (more on that in a coming post) and we are now addicted to hulu plus. s tream thousands of episodes from hundreds of current and classic TV shows to your iphone with a hulu plus subscription. (only $7.99 a month). 

**what are YOUR favorite free apps for parents? we would love to know!**

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

getting ready for baby: diaper bag must-haves - newborns

if there is one thing that you are going to get a ton of when you are pregnant with your first or your fifth baby, it's advice. more than any repeat gift at a baby shower, people will be itching to bestow upon you their "expertise" in all baby matters. that being said, let me assure you, i'm no expert. i have had four babies so that does afford me some license to give my opinion and share what i know but i am not the end all when it comes to baby gear. every baby is different and every mommy is just as diverse. things that work for me won't work for others. still, as i was getting ready to meet my firstborn and i walked into the vast expanse of babies-r-us, i wish i had known what to look for...and what was a complete waste of my money. so, here's the first in our new series, "getting ready for baby." i hope it helps you feel a little more prepared and less lost in the experience of motherhood.

diaper bags alter tremendously throughout the first year of your baby's life. first of all, you will need one. you can use a backpack, buy a really expensive bag that makes you feel more stylish, or throw everything in a reusable grocery bag. regardless of what you choose, you'll need something. you'll also be stuck with it for a while so you might as well find something you will be able to look at for the next two years.

once you've purchased your bag of choice (or pulled something from the back of your closet), you'll need these items first. you can have this diaper bag filled before baby even arrives and i highly recommend being prepared. as tired as you are at the end of your pregnancy, you'll be even more so when baby arrives so get as much done as you can before your sweet one comes.

newborn needs:

diapers - any brand will do. i have to say, though, i'm more of a diaper snob for newborns. their skin is so sensitive and i like the diapers that are the softest and don't rub my baby wrong.

- buy these suckers in bulk. you'll go through them a lot faster than you can say "poopy diaper." the initial baby poop is really sticky an thick and you'll need a lot of wipes to do the job well. while the little cute travel wipe dispensers are nice, they will be empty in a day and need to be refilled. save yourself the trouble and just put in a full pack of wipes.

plastic diaper bags - these are for smelly diaper disposal and they are a life-saver. your baby will poop pretty much everywhere you take him or her. these little bags are usually scented with a fresh baby powder scent and are the perfect size to put your smelly diaper into before disposing of it. it's also a lot less messy to put every wipe and smelly bit into one little location. you may not think it's a big deal now but, trust me, you'll thank me later.

changing pad
- most diaper bags come with one of these. if it doesn't, go out and get yourself something to change your baby on. there is nothing more disturbing than laying your brand new, perfect baby onto a changing table in a public bathroom or onto the floor at a friend's house. not only will this protect the baby, it will also protect the floor. babies have an amazing ability to pee and poop as soon as you take their diapers off. just as you're lifting your sweet one's little legs up to wipe their bottom, they will explode and you'll end up spending the rest of your day out shopping in poop. as much as you try to avoid it, this too will probably happen to you. if you're going to be out and about for a day, you may want to stick an extra change of clothes in your car, just in case.

disposable changing sheet - these are a convenience but are not a necessity. how much easier is it to throw something soiled away, though, instead of taking it home to be washed?

feeding needs
- these will be different depending on whether you are nursing or bottle feeding.

  • for bottle feeding: you'll need water bottles to fill up your baby bottles, clean bottles, and formula. i'm a big fan of the little formula dispensers. you can measure out what you need for one feeding and put that amount in each section of the dispenser and then make your bottle easily and quickly. there is nothing that drives your blood pressure up more as a new mom than a baby who is hungry and you're not able to move fast enough to get him or her fed.

  • for breast feeding: a blanket or some breast feeding cover to make nursing a little more comfortable at the start. let me just throw something out here as well. nursing is tough and it takes a lot of practice. you would think that something so natural would be really easy to pick up. let me just dispel that myth. it's hard to get the hang of. why do you think there are people out there whose entire job is just to help people be successful? if it was so easy, would we need paid helpers? give yourself some grace and some time. also, be prepared. if you really want to breast feed, buy some things to make it easier for yourself. i'm not suggesting a cover because i think we need to be embarrassed about breast feeding. i'm just letting you know, it's easier when you can focus on your baby and getting him or her latched on and not worry about who might be seeing your huge, engorged boob hanging out. you'll also want a towel or a burp cloth of some sort. babies are messy as they are learning how to latch on and at the beginning, your milk can get all over the place. bring yourself a towel of some sort. you'll want to dry off and you'll probably need it for your baby too. lastly, bring some extra nursing pads. they can get filled up quickly and they can stink (think sour milk mixed with sweat...not pretty). you don't want to leak onto your shirt or smell. you'll also want some lanolin cream for your dried, cracked and sometimes bleeding nipples. i know that's graphic but it's also the truth. lanolin helps and it's safe for your baby. pack won't regret it.

change of clothes - you'll want this, believe me. baby poopies can be explosions. i think my record with my kids was one that went all the way up to his ear and down into his shoes. really. it happens. be prepared. always have extra clothes for your newborn packed in the diaper bag. you won't be sorry. in case of explosion, use the disposable diaper bags to pack up poopy clothes to take home.

pacifiers - some people don't do pacifiers. we didn't with our first child because we were afraid he wouldn't nurse. the thing is, my boobs became his pacifier. for the second, third and fourth born, we used them. we loved them. if you are going to use a pacifier, be patient with these too at the beginning. buy the smallest ones according to the size on the packaging and keep working with your newborn to get them into their mouths. they have to learn how to hold onto them. once they do, you'll have something to soothe your baby when you just can't get to their milk fast enough. always pack several pacifiers in your diaper bag. they disappear about as often as baby socks do.

burp cloths - maybe you'll be blessed with a baby that never spits up. i never was. my kids spit up from birth through age one. i spelled like vomit for four complete years. regardless of how bad your child spits up, you'll want a burp cloth. there is always something to clean up and these little pieces of cloth might just save your outfit for the day. what the heck, pack two.

an extra blanket
- these fall on the floor often. you may not want to put one around your baby after it's been on the floor of a public bathroom...or any floor for that matter. an extra one is always handy. just probably won't need to buy any blankets for yourself, ever. people love to give blankets as a gift. you'll most likely end up with more than you can use. wait until you're done receiving gifts before you buy any for yourself.

medicine - for a newborn, bring the little gas drops. their little gassy tummies can make them miserable. for a day out and about, you'll be happy you have these.

toys - you won't need these for the first couple of weeks but soon you'll be happy you have something for your baby to play with or look at. you don't need much but you'll be surprised how something simple can keep their attention just long enough for you to check out at the grocery store.

i'm sure there are tons of other ideas out there. this is a pretty basic list to get things rolling without breaking the bank. if you have any other bits of wisdom, feel free to share here, where mommies can take it or leave it. let's all help one another navigate this crazy journey called motherhood and enjoy the ride.