Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

simple solutions: quick way to remove beach day sand from your body

i love going to the beach. i am a southern california gal and the beach is just in my blood, i guess. going is fun....but the worst part of a beach trip is the *sand*. anyone else with me? it's awful.

after we have hiked back to the car and are ready to go home we have to start the process of removing the sand. it seems to stick everywhere. 

the easiest solution i have found powder. no joke. i simply pat my littles dry and then sprinkle on baby powder and the sand easily wipes away. no more itchy sand of their bodies and even better is no sand in the car! 

sometimes the best solutions are the easiest. give it a try the next time to are beach bound and let me know what you think! enjoy!

Friday, January 6, 2012

friday fun finds: a resolution & re-useable bags

my new years resolution this year is to bring my own bags when i do my shopping. i am not super "green", in general, but i think it is something simple that i can do that can make a big difference. so, whether i am off to target, the mall or trader joes this gal will be toting my own totes.....i am hoping that this is one resolution that i will keep.