this post is sponsored by our friend's at nutrish. as always, all opinions and thoughts are our own.
catconla. the very words bring a smile to our faces. the weekend of catcon is one we look forward to for an entire year. we look forward to the people watching, the friends we will see, the amazing products, the parties, the pet adoptions and everything in between. this year didn't disappoint. we drove into pasadena early saturday morning and prepared ourselves for two days of unbeatable fun.
throughout our weekend, we wrote down a list of our very favorite things from our time there. while it was tough to narrow down our most loved things about the weekend, there were some moments that stood out above all the rest. if you didn't make it to catconla 2017, here is some of what you missed and the reasons why you should go next year. truly, it is a weekend you will not forget.
the costumes
it is impossible to imagine catconla without the amazing costumes. people go all out and we love browsing through the aisles and finding pictures of the best of the best. some of these people don't just love cats, they want to be cats and they strut their cat versions of themselves with pride. it's amazing and while these pictures give you a small glimpse of what we saw, there is nothing like seeing these people in person to put a smile on your face.
there was a male and female version of a crazy cat lady on the same day!
day one did not disappoint. there was so much costume goodness.
okay, this person was not only dressed in a full cat suit, but also wore a backpack that vibrated and "purred" when she was around people. you can't make this stuff up!
while we didn't wear costumes, we did rock some cat ears we were gifted from one of the booths!
and we represented in the cat pun department in spades.
the nutrish 360 cam
this addition was new to catconla this year and it as the very best way to see all of the people in their amazing costumes. how could you not want to see everyone twirling around in their best cat wear? we couldn't resist and had to jump on for ourselves.
we didn't hold a candle to this gem. she looked amazing from every angle!
the nutrish booth and caticatures
nutrish never disappoints and as the title sponsor this year, they went above and beyond to make the catcon experience one to be remembered. we love how they use design to make us feel like we are in their very cool, funky, cat-inspired living room. we felt so at home we wanted to camp out and stay for a while. their cat themed artwork covered the walls and each person who entered the space was met with a caricature artist that combined each person with their pet into a caticature. we laughed at ours for days...mostly because we are pretty sure they put heather's face on the face of the cat and my face on a cat's butt. i'm not sure what i did to the artist to make him draw me like that but our kids thought it was hilarious.
each part of the nutrish booth was carefully designed with thoughtful details.
two artists worked all day, each day drawing caticatures.
adoptions through the pasadena spca
we absolutely adore the fact that catconla works to find homes for dozens of shelter cats over the catcon weekend. we visited the adoption site on sunday morning and at that moment, seventy seven cats and kittens had already been adopted. we love visiting with the precious kittens up for adoption and, while we loved on the new kitties, we were reminded of last year and heather's adoption of sweet lola. catcon holds a special place in our hearts because it is where we met lola and she became a part of the third boob family.
sweet babies up for adoption
if i didn't already have two, i would have been so tempted buy this sweet one.
buzz feed's "party right meow"
buzz feed always brings their "a" game to catconla. this year they did it through an amazing party at "the rose" in pasadena and we were treated to cat photos, a human sized cat scratching post, cat themed cocktails, a kitten petting station and a place to make your own cat ears. we loved having an evening to play and enjoy the cat treats while visiting with friends and making new ones. each detail was carefully thought of and it was definitely a highlight of our weekend.
seriously, where else would we ever be able to do this?
it was so much fun cuddling sweet kittens!
getting to see our wonderful friends
we always cherish moments we get to spend together. we have been friends for over half of our lifetimes and it is a joy to get to spend time together. it's especially great when we get to spend time together doing things we both enjoy. catcon is a weekend full of laughter and friendship and, truly, the greatest thing about it is that we get to experience it together.
we couldn't love nutrish more. we love the company and we love how they give back. a portion of nutrish proceeds goes to rachael's rescue which was created to help animals in need. as of december, 2016, $17.5 million has been donated. this money has gone toward food, medical supplies and treatments for these unfortunate animals. we would love for you to love them too.
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